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Cape Seal


Cape Seal is a combination of Chip Seal and Micro Surfacing. The layering of the two highly effective surface treatments provides a substantial wearing course used to address fair to moderately cracked pavements. This provides a smooth, dense surface with good skid resistance and long lasting pavement service life.


“Light” Cape Seal: Designed for less cracked or lower volume roadways, is a popular maintenance process that incorporates a “light” spray of polymerized asphalt emulsion as part of a flexible membrane interlayer such as a Chip Seal, SAMI or FiberMat™ Type B with a “lighter” poundage overlay of Single Course Micro Surfacing.

“Heavy” Cape Seal: Designed for more heavily cracked or higher volume roadways, is the more traditional two-step process that utilizes a highly polymerized asphalt emulsion as part of the flexible interlayer Chip Seal, SAMI, or FiberMat, followed by either a Single or Double Course Micro Surfacing.

Features & Benefits